Google gets paid by big companies for adverts.
Google sends advert Links to apps, sites and pays site/app owners for every click.
Google sends advert links to app via google admob..
This is how you can earn limitless.
You will need an already built app with the admob already installed.
The more users click on advert links the more your money increase in💲 ..isn't that sweet ??.
How Google Admob recognize you:
Android Id and Google Play Services: If you self-click from the same device in which you have your google account, You are gone. Google Play services saves all the activities that you do everyday on your phone. If you are self-clicking, they will save your activity. And google knows what your Android Id is. So, they can easily recognize you.
ISP & IP address: Google knows what your IP address is. If you change your IP address by VPN, they will find out your ISP (Internet Service Provider). You can’t change your ISP, so, they will recognize you.
Wifi-Mac Address: Google knows what your Mac address is, So they can additionally track you by this.
Session start/stop time: Google checks the time zone i.e when ads are viewed/clicked from what countries. Like, if you click ads at a particular time everyday, they will check that and if you click a particular ad multiple times from same device, they will recognize you.
If you have an Adsense/ Admob account, create a website, make an app which will attract people. Doesn’t throw away your Adsense/Admob account in this way. Earn money genuinely.
“Honesty is the Best Policy”.
Understanding AdMob Network
AdMob network terms in a nutshell
AdMob Network requests:
The total number of your app’s requests that resulted in actual ad serving requests being sent to the AdMob Network. AdMob Network requests that are filtered by certain platform features, such as AdMob Network optimization, will not be counted here.
Matched Request:
The number of times an ad was served in response to a request from your app.
Match Rate:
The percentage of ad requests that were filled with an ad. This value is calculated using Matched requests / AdMob Network requests.
For example, if an app’s Matched requests are equal to 40 and the total AdMob Network requests for the app is 50, then the app’s Match rate will be 80%.
The total number of ads shown to users of your app.
Show Rate:
The percentage of returned ads that were displayed in the app to the user. This value is calculated using (Impressions / Matched) requests.
For example, if the total number of Matched requests is 80, but your app only shows 60 of these, then the app’s Show rate will be 75%.
The total number of times users click ads shown in your app.
Impression CTR:
Click through rate (CTR) is the number of ad clicks divided by the number of page views.
Impression clickthrough rate (CTR) is the number of ad clicks divided by the number of individual ad impressions. It’s calculated using (Clicks / Impressions).
For example, if your ad received 20 clicks out of 1,000 impressions, the Impressions CTR would be 2%.
AdMob Network request RPM(Previously Known as eCPM):
Revenue per thousand impressions (RPM) is calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of page views you received, then multiplying by 1000. AdMob Network request revenue per 1,000 requests (RPM) represents the estimated earnings you’d accrue for every 1,000 requests to the AdMob Network generated by your app. It doesn’t represent how much you have actually earned; rather, it’s calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of AdMob Network requests, then multiplying by 1,000. AdMob Network request RPM is calculated using (Estimated earnings / Number of requests) * 1000.
For example, if you earned an estimated $0.15 from 25 requests, then the AdMob Network request RPM would equal ($0.15 / 25) * 1000, or $6.00. If you earned an estimated $180 from 45,000 requests, the AdMob Network request RPM would equal ($180 / 45,000) * 1000, or $4.00.
RPM is a commonly used measure in advertising programs, and you may find it helpful for comparing revenue across different channels.
Impression RPM:
Impression revenue per 1,000 impressions (RPM) represents the estimated earnings you’d accrue for every 1,000 impressions you receive. RPM doesn’t represent how much you have actually earned; rather, it’s calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of impressions you received, then multiplying by 1,000. Impression RPM is calculated using (Estimated earnings / Number of page views) * 1000.
For example, if you earned an estimated $180 from 45,000 ad impressions, the Impression RPM would equal ($180 / 45,000) * 1000, or $4.00.
RPM is a commonly used number in advertising programs, and you may find it helpful for comparing revenue across different channels.
Estimated earnings:
Your account balance for the time period selected. This amount is an estimate that is subject to change when your earnings are verified at the end of every month.
Fill Rate:
Fill rate represents the number of times an ad was shown to users (impressions) compared to the number of times an ad was requested from a specific ad source (requests). The fill rate for each ad source is calculated using the following formula:
Impressions / Requests
Locating an ad source’s fill rate:
Sign into your AdMob account at
Click the Monetize tab.
Click the Ad Meditation report link in the sidebar.
Click the + add button in the Dimensions field and select Ad source.
Scroll down to view the table at the bottom of the page. The fill rate will be
*Step by Step on how to create your Google admob account*
Do all the things listed below to get ur account approved within d next 24hrs.
*Step 1. Click*
*Step 2.* Sign up with a valid Gmail acct
*Step 3.* Choose Nigeria as your country, choose Lagos as time zone , choose US dollar as mode of payment. Click next.
*Step 4:* Mark all field yes in the next page. Then click next/done.
*Step 5* Go to the left hand side, click my app. The click on create new app. You will be asked if your app has been uploaded on playstore.. Click NO
*Step6:* Enter app information (name of the app) (give it any name of your choice that you will not forget)and click on Android
*Step7.* Click on *create ad unit*
You will find three (3) ad unit (banner, interstitial and reward)
*Step 8.* Click on banner and input ad unit name(name it *banner1*) after that click create ad unit,
*Step 9:* After creating banner ad unit,
Create another ad unit and this time, click on interstitial follow the same format ...create one interstitial and name it as *interstitial 1*
Then click done.
On the new display, copy out the codes one by one, by clicking on the square box beside d name of each ad units. And save them somewhere till when you will use them.
save the codes on your note pad or memo. Please don't create anything for reward. Only banner1 and Interstitial1. That's all Click on Done.
*Step 10.* on the left hand side, Click menu icon and click on payment and fill in your name, current address. *Ignore suburb and address line 2*
*(Please make sure your address is very correct especially the postal code because Google will later send you a verification pin physically to your post office, for you to use to verify your account)*
*Then click save. That's all.*
*This is how your codes will be arranged after you might have finished your Registration.*
*The above code will be used in hosting your admob apps*
Let's move to startapp
StartApp is a new monetization and distribution platform for Android applications designed to address the challenges the platform has created in terms of revenue generation for developers. Using the new StartApp SDK (software development kit), developers can receive $10 – $50 per 1,000 downloads, the company claims. This is higher than the $4 average per 1,000 downloads developers see elsewhere, StartApp says.
Sounds great, right? What’s the catch?
STARTAPP is easy to set up.... Register and set payment method....
No payment pin required..
So far your details is're good to go
Minimum payment of 50$....You can pause payment...
To create startapp account
For more info or clarification you are free to text me on WhatsApp @+2349035796735
Also if you need standard PlayStore app for both admob and startapp text me on the same number....
We also gives training on how to create blogs and how to create marketable standard app, uploading on PlayStore,App promotion and so on
We are the best in telegram
Do you need app of any kind
We are at your service
Kindly text me
Number to call or WhatsApp
Or do you care for video call ...
We are the best
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