Wednesday, 20 February 2019

MTN Differentiated Kpalasa Offer, Gives You 100% Data Bonus For 3 Months on Every Bundle

MTN Nigeria has introduced the MTN Differentiated Kpalasa Offer, this is an offer that rewards its customers with new 3G/4G devices on MTN network 100% and 50% data bonus respectively for 3 months and up to 6 months depending on their type of devices.

The offer is available for all new and existing customers with New 3G/4G devices on the MTN network. 3G and 4G devices that have never been used on the MTN network. USIM and 3G SIM that had never enjoyed the offer in the past 12 months.

Kindly note that only 3G/4G devices that have special partnerships with MTN will be able to enjoy the offer for 6 months.

To qualify for the MTN Differentiated Kpalasa Offer, you will simply insert a registered MTN SIM into their new 3G or 4G smartphone, wait for a ‘Welcome SMS’ confirming you have received the bonus data offer. After that, dial *131*1# to buy any MTN Data Bundle and enjoy your 100% bonus.

Check your data balance with *131*4# or SMS 2 to 131.

You can also enjoy this offer with;
Dual SIM phones, and if both SIM slots are 3G enabled, you can still enjoy the offer irrespective of the SIM slot used. But if both SIM slots are not 3G/4G enabled, you will not be able to use.
The offer is only available for SIM slots that are 3G/4G enabled.

Frequently Ask Questions
QUES: What phone and devices can I enjoy the offer for 6 months?
ANS: ONLY 3G/4G devices that have special partnerships with MTN will be able to enjoy the offer For 6 months.

QUE: What phone and other devices are classified as new on MTN network?
ANS: All 3G/4G devices that have never been used on the MTN network.

QUE: How long can I keep enjoying the Differentiated Kpalasa on my device?
ANS: You will enjoy the offer on devices in the below category:

4G Devices (Standard Offer)3 months
4G Devices (Special Partnerships)6 months
3G Devices (Standard Offer)3 months
3G Devices (Special Partnerships)6 months

QUE: Will I be able to enjoy both Kpalasa phone (20%) offer and Differentiated Kpalasa offer?
ANS: No! You will only be able to enjoy Differentiated Kapalasa Offer.

QUE: I have a smartphone used on another network, how can I enjoy this offer?
ANS: All smartphones that have not been used on MTN network before will enjoy the offer. Simply insert a registered MTN SIM card in the device.

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